3 new products this month, all ICs this time.
Have you ever wished you could control a pot using a microcontroller? Well you could connect a stepper motor to one, on or maybe use on of these. The Maxim MCP4131 is a digital potentiometer that can be set using an SPI interface. With a 7 bit resolution and dead simple to use. Just $2.40 a piece, and of course cheaper if you buy more.
Next we have a 14 pin 8K microcontroller, the attiny84A. Bigger than an attiny13A and loaded with features.
Lastly we have SN754410 Quad Half H-Bridge Motor Drivers which are ideal for driving stepper motors, solenoids and so on. These are able to drive current up to 1A for voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. Learn more with this tutorial.
The MCP4131 is manufactured by Microchip (not Maxim). Correction recommended on this page and the product page.