This tutorial shows you how to control 16 LEDs with just 3 control lines. We do this by daisy chaining 74HC595 shift registers The 74HC595 shift register has an 8 bit storage register and an 8 bit shift register. Data is written to the shift register serially, then latched onto the storage register. The storage...
Introduction This tutorial continues from Character LCD Displays - Part 1. In this part we will connect the LCD module to an Atmega8 microcontroller, then write some code to drive it. The Circuit Our first task is to build the circuit. We will be using an AVR 28 pin Development Board. For the power supply...
Mechanical switches do not make or break a connection cleanly due to microscopic conditions on the contact surface. This is referred to as "Switch Bounce" and can cause problems in digital circuits. In this tutorial we will build a circuit that demonstrates this problem, then modify it slightly to resolve it. We will be reusing...
Introduction LCD character displays can be found in espresso machines, laser printers, children's toys and maybe even the odd toaster. The Hitachi HD44780 controller has become an industry standard for these types of displays. This tutorial will teach you the basics of interfacing with a HD44780 compatible display using some DIP switches and a few...
In this tutorial I will describe how to drive a 7 segment module using a 4511 - BCD to 7 Segment Latch/Decoder/Driver. First we need to familiarize ourselves with the 7 segment module. These modules are made up of 8 LEDs, 7 of which make an "8" pattern and 1 for the decimal point. Using...