Welcome to 2014, I think it’s going to be a good one. Let’s start the year with 3 new products
First up we have 16 character x 2 line Blue LCD Displays. They are just like the Yellow/Green ones we’ve had for a while, except the color is different. Because they use a HD44780 compatible controller, you can use standard libraries to drive them.
If you’ve never used these type of displays before, the following tutorials will be useful
These small mylar speakers are perfect for small audio projects. As you can see from the writing on the back, they have an impedance of 8Ω and power rating of 1W.
We stock all sorts of ribbon jumper cables. These Male to Male jumpers are shorter than most at just 100mm (or 120mm if you include the connectors). Their length makes them ideal for use as breadboard jumpers.